Field Work: Or How Tennis Is Helping Me Reflect
Amy Rebecca Gay Amy Rebecca Gay

Field Work: Or How Tennis Is Helping Me Reflect

As a coach, I am deeply committed to walking my talk. However, taking up a new sport is certainly one way to excavate hidden recesses where old thinking still lies. Here is what I am noticing.

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Befriending My Own Stuckness
Amy Rebecca Gay Amy Rebecca Gay

Befriending My Own Stuckness

I am feeling stuck. Like, really stuck. And so, this has me thinking. Deeply. Here are some questions I am holding in that reflection.

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Appreciation – A Powerful (and Underused) Way to Connect
Amy Rebecca Gay Amy Rebecca Gay

Appreciation – A Powerful (and Underused) Way to Connect

Humans thrive when our core needs are met – and appreciation is probably one of the easiest needs a leader can meet for members of her team. Here are three ideas to help you easily increase appreciation and keep your team feeling great and connected.

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The Gift of an Authentic ‘No’
Amy Rebecca Gay Amy Rebecca Gay

The Gift of an Authentic ‘No’

If I you ask me something, can you trust that I’ll say ‘no’? Do you worry that I say ‘yes’ but don’t mean it and won’t follow through? Are you concerned that I’ll say ‘yes’ and feel resentful? How would our personal and professional lives be different if we could be honest with ourselves and others about our ‘no’s’ and then skillfully express them?

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Pandemic Leadership 101
Amy Rebecca Gay Amy Rebecca Gay

Pandemic Leadership 101

The pandemic is calling us all to stretch all our leadership skills, but perhaps none more than our empathetic leadership. How do we help our teams and organizations get through this emotionally?

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Find Focus in the Chaos
Amy Rebecca Gay Amy Rebecca Gay

Find Focus in the Chaos

As a manager, you can help your team focus on the work-at-hand by simply acknowledging how they are feeling. Not trying to fix it. Not trying to solve any problems.

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Relationships During COVID
Amy Rebecca Gay Amy Rebecca Gay

Relationships During COVID

Relationship building that once happened organically at the office now needs more intention, but it is well-worth the effort.

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What’s Your ‘Yes’?
Amy Rebecca Gay Amy Rebecca Gay

What’s Your ‘Yes’?

I commit to identifying the most important ‘yeses’ in my life, protecting them with constructive ‘no’s’ and supporting you in doing the same.

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